Add Team Members or Users to Section(s) within a Project

Add Team Members or Users to Section(s) within a Project

Project owners and editors can share a Section or Sections with one or many team members or guest collaborators. If you would like to invite users to the Project, follow the steps provided here.

Essenvia provides different levels of access for a Section: viewing, commenting, and editing. You can follow the steps below to provide access to users and to view their access rights. By default any member or collaborator already added to Space or Project automatically inherits the same level of permission for the sections in the project. For example. a user with Edit permissions at Space level will have edit permission for all projects in that space and to sections within any project. 

The section below illustrate how to add collaborators for the first time using the share option at sections. 

Add members via email from Sections menu

  • Go to Spaces from the Home page and then click on the **Projects** menu.

  • Click on a project and then click **Share** on the right side of the section.

    (OR) click on the section and click **Share .**

  • Type email addresses of the person they want to add and press enter.

  • To share multiple sections, check the sections on the left side of the section row and type email addresses of the person they want to add and press enter.

  • Select Can Edit or Can Comment or Can View from the drop down, then press **share** .

  • They'll receive an email with a link to sign in and join your project.

    • If the person is a non-existing user on Essenvia they will be invited to activate their account.
    • If the person is an existing user, they will be invited to sign in using their user id and password.

  1. Click on the "Share" button at the top of the table 

  2. Type email address for use that you would like to share one or more sections with and select the permission view, comment or edit for the section from the drop down. 

  1. Once you are on the authoring environment for the section, click on the "Share" button on the top-right of the screen

  1. Click on "Share" button at the top of the table

  2. Click on the text area for "Share with:" to see suggestions for team members already added to the project and select the user from the drop-down

  3. Once a user or team member is selected, you can update access rights for one or all sections of the project

  4.  Hover your mouse for the user and click on the edit (pen) icon

  5. On the "Modify sharing permissions" screen, select the appropriate role between view, comment, or edit and choose the sections that you would like to give them access to

  6. Click "Save" to update the access preferences for the team members.

Providing access rights for a section from the authoring environment

  1. Log in to your account and navigate to the project 
  2. Click on the "Sections" tab at the top-left of the screen
  3. Once you are on the authoring environment for the section, click on the "Share" button on the top-right of the screen

View and Update role of a member for a Section

By default, any section that's inside a project will inherit the same permissions as the project. it's nested in (the parent project). But you can assign higher or lower levels of permission for sections to meet your needs.

For example: In the screenshot below, everyone in the project has Can edit access to the Analytical Performance section. 

Follow similar steps outlined above to modify permission for team members for a section or add additional collaborators with appropriate permissions.